UPLBFI joins international conferences, presents research initiatives on climate change studies
September 12, 2023
Two research projects implemented by UPLBFI were selected among several other studies to be part of international conferences in Thailand and Indonesia. The gender-focused project funded by the Department of Agriculture (DA)-Region 6 and the pilot study on Climate Risk Vulnerability Assessment (CRVA) for the fisheries sector funded by DA-Region 2 were accepted to be presented in the said events.
Mr. Jonathan Austria (Data Management Specialist) and Ms. Julie Ann Barril (Project Documentation Specialist) represented UPLBFI at the 10th International Conference on Gender and Women’s Studies held last July 24-25, 2023 in Bangkok, Thailand. The paper titled “Identification and Prioritization of Climate-Resilient and Gender-Responsive Interventions for Agricultural Communities in Western Visayas, Philippines” authored by Mr. Austria, Ms. Marteena Kyla Panopio (Science Research Assistant, UPLBFI), and Ms. Barril was presented under the Gender Equality session of the conference.
Mr. Austria shared the results of UPLBFI’s initiative on developing gender-responsive and climate-resilient projects for the farmer beneficiaries of the DA-Adaptation and Mitigation Initiative in Agriculture (AMIA) program in three sites in Western Visayas. The study, led by Ms. Dorcas Trinidad, was successfully completed by UPLBFI last March 2023 as part of the project titled “Strengthening selected AMIA Villages through Mentorship Program and Establishment and Implementation of Gender-Sensitive Projects”.

The conference, organized by the Unique Conferences Canada (UCC) and International Center for Research and Development (ICRD), aimed to highlight research activities in the fields of Gender and Women’s studies focusing on economic, social, and psychological empowerment of women and other marginalized sectors around the world.
Meanwhile, UPLBFI’s pilot study on CRVA for Fisheries was accepted to be presented at the 10th International Conference on Fisheries and Aquaculture 2023. The conference will be held on October 24-26, 2023 in Bali, Indonesia organized by The International Institute of Knowledge Management (TIIKM).
The paper titled “Development of a Climate Risk-Based Decision Support Tool for Prioritizing Local Level Aquaculture Investments in Cagayan Valley Region, Philippines” highlights UPLBFI’s efforts in developing and operationalizing a CRVA framework for the aquaculture and capture fisheries sub-sectors as a decision support tool for targeting climate change adaptation strategies and investments for local fisheries development. It was authored by Mr. Austria, Mr. Carl Carada (GIS Specialist), Mr. Arvin Carandang (Economist), and Ms. Barril with technical support from Mr. Leo Kris Palao (Climate Change Modeler, CIAT), Dr. Mudjekeewis Santos (Scientist IV, DA- NFRDI), Ms. Kay Olivas (OIC Regional Technical Director for Research and Regulation, DA Region 2), Ms. Gilda Joannah Calderon (SRS I, NFRDI), and Ms. Vanessa Mae Escaño (SRS I, NFRDI).
The project, also led by Ms. Trinidad, was piloted in the province of Isabela, Cagayan Valley Region in collaboration with DA-CRAO, DA-Region 2, DA-NFRDI and DA-BFAR Region 2.