UPLBFI hosts GHG inventory training workshop for PhilRice and PCC staff
July 26, 2022
LOS BAÑOS, Laguna — The University of the Philippines Los Baños, Inc. (UPLBFI) hosted a three-day training workshop to capacitate staff of the Philippine Rice Institute (PhilRice) and Philippine Carabao Center (PCC) on greenhouse gases (GHG) inventory using the GASMET DX4040 Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) gas analyzer last 20-22 July 2022.
During the opening program at the UPLB Continuing Education Center (CEC) Auditorium, Dr. Enrico Supangco, UPLBFI Executive Director, delivered an opening message to formally welcome the training participants. It was followed by a message from the implementing partner agency, DA-MIMAROPA, represented by Mr. Jayrick Supetran, Administrative Assistant IV. Also present during the opening ceremony were Dr. Amado Angeles, Director of the Dairy Training and Research Institute (DTRI), and Dr. Robert Hegarty, guest professor from New Zealand.
Ms. Kathreen Mae L. Matias and Mr. Christian V. Lualhati, UPLBFI Research Consultants, presented an overview of the project. Ms. Matias and Mr. Lualhati discussed the activities for the capacity building on GHG inventory from rice paddy emissions and livestock enteric fermentation, respectively.
Mr. Daniel Mauricio Villegas and Dr. Isabela Cristina Molina Botero from the Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT, who served as the expert resource speakers during the training, introduced the GASMET DX4040 FTIR and its uses, maintenance, and troubleshooting mechanisms. Mr. Villegas also demonstrated the data analysis and visualization of inventory using the CalcmetTM Lite software.
In her closing remarks, Dr. Saturnina Halos, Technical Expert of the DA Climate Resilient Agriculture Office (DA CRAO) expressed gratitude to the training experts and participants. She also emphasized the importance of the training in improving the technical knowledge and capacity of the participants on using the gas analyzer and assessing GHG emissions in their respective fields.
On the second day, Mr. Villegas and Dr. Botero, together with Ms. Matias, led the on-site training of PhilRice staff on GHG inventory from rice paddy emissions using the GASMET DX4040 FTIR gas analyzer at the PhilRice-UPLB Headquarters. On the third day, Mr. Villegas and Dr. Botero were joined by Mr. Lualhati in leading the on-site training of PCC participants in using the gas analyzer for assessing GHG emissions from carabao’s enteric fermentation. A polytunnel was constructed at the PCC-UPLB Headquarters which served as the experiment station for the analysis of GHG emission.
The training workshop is part of the DA MIMAROPA-funded project titled “Developing technological and science-based solutions for strengthening AMIA Villagess in the Philippines” which is expected to end by November 2022.
by: JMAustria